Funding and Relief package support systems for Entrepreneurship is crucial and critical to the development and growth of Entrepreneurship among Start-up Businesses and Entrepreneurs but not a solution to Entrepreneurial promotion and growth.
To what percentage of society and business community benefits from some of such funding and relief packages and to what extent beyond the corporate environment does some of such relief packages reach to impact a wider business and the Entrepreneurial community?
Entrepreneurship can only be beneficial if it has sustainability measures factored into it by developing the Human Capital and not the Business capital.
Money is liquid and so are all monetary based support and allied systems.
However, investing in the human capital development through a mindset formation from the formative stages of life is critical to Entrepreneurial acumen development and growth among the youth before they become adults.
If you do not have the right mindset to understand the wisdom behind traditional Entrepreneurial practices, you might not see the need and its usefulness in support of Academic based Entrepreneurship by using its data and science to improve and review Academic Entrepreneurial practices for the right sustainability framework to be put in place.
Separating or ignoring traditional Entrepreneurial practices in modern day Entrepreneurship can be attributed to the high turnover or failures of Startup Businesses within the Entrepreneurial ecosystem and the challenge to businesses going beyond five to ten years in operation.
Traditional Entrepreneurship has the true characteristics of a perfect Entrepreneur with an embodiment of organic growth processes which can be expedited and modified with current Academic Entrepreneurial data and technologies for enhanced factions, operations and applications.
I therefore want to state that Entrepreneurship is more traditional in nature than Academic for which Economic managers should be weary of thinking using just monetary policy programmes can ensure a sustainable Entrepreneurial development, growth in a society.
A part from the natural tendency of becoming an Entrepreneur, the other alternative route of becoming an Entrepreneur must be routed through a planned mindset formation from the formative stages of a Human Capital Development programme for an individual or a nation.
Emmanuel E.K Awumee
CEO, SESIL Ventures and the Lead Facilitator;
SESIL Entrepreneurial Coffee Session
Author of the Book – “Against the Odds”